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2008 - úroveň B1

Section II – LANGUAGE IN USE (20 points)

Táto časť testu sa skladá z dvoch textov. Jej vypracovaniu byste mali venovať približne 25 minút.

Part 1: Environmental Issues (10 points)

V nasledujúcom texte sú na miestach 21 – 30 vynechané slová. Za textom nájdete pre každé vynechané miesto štyri možnosti doplnenia. Rozhodnite, ktorá z ponúkaných možností (A) – (D) je správna. Vždy je správna iba jedna možnosť. Príklad: ___00___ - (C)

The brain is the ___ 00___ complicated organ in our bodies. Our thinking, remembering and communicating abilities originate in this small organ. Scientists have not been able ___21___ all the mysteries of the brain. They still ___22___ exactly how learning takes place. However, they have made ___23___ progress after many experiments. They ___24___ found that certain parts of the brain are responsible for learning, memory and language. The left hemisphere deals with rules, lists ___25___ information and short-term memory. Short-term memory is ___26___ we use to remember a telephone number long enough to call someone after we ___27___ it up. In contrast, the right hemisphere deals with feelings, colours and long-term memory. We use long-term memory ___28___ we drive a car each day or remember how to get to ___29___ work. Scientists recognize the importance of both hemispheres in learning of ___30___ sorts, including language learning.


A) B) C) D)


A) B) C) D)


A) B) C) D)


A) B) C) D)


A) B) C) D)


A) B) C) D)


A) B) C) D)


A) B) C) D)


A) B) C) D)


A) B) C) D)


A) B) C) D)

Part 2: Part 2: Felixstowe (10 points)

V nasledujúcom texte sú vynechané slová 31 – 40. Slová napísané veľkými tlačenými písmenami dajte do správneho tvaru a doplňte nimi text v príslušnom riadku.
Príklad: ___00___ English

This is one of the oldest towns on the east coast of England. Because of its
good position, it’s supposed to have the best weather of all | ENGLAND
seaside resorts.
The Roman fort and military were built to defend the coast | BUILD
against in the time of Napoleon. | INVADE
Tourists visit two towers looking like very small red-brick | USUAL
The more Landguard Fort was built in the 17th century. | FAME
The fort was the subject of the first popular by one of the | PAINT
best-known artists: Thomas Gainsborough. The governor of the fort paid him
15 guineas and a secondhand violin for this work. | ORIGIN
Felixstowe has all the of a typical seaside town. | ATTRACT
parks, children’s boating pools, a pier, pubs, ice-cream, and an | AMUSE
row of hot dog and burger stalls. | END
, the town makes money from its docks – which are | TOUR
very busy and modern.

Koniec druhej časti testu

Section III – Reading (20 points)

Táto časť testu sa skladá z troch ukážok. Jej vypracovaniu by ste mali venovať približne 45 minút.

Part 1: The Musician and the Nightingale (7 points)

Prečítajte si nasledujúci text. K úlohám 41 – 47 priraďte vhodnú vetu spomedzi možností (A) – (J). Tri vety sa nedajú priradiť k žiadnej z úloh. Vždy existuje iba jedno správne riešenie.

One warm summer night in 1924, the cellist Beatrice Harrison went out to play her cello in the woods behind her cottage in Surrey, in the south of England.
After playing for some time in the evening, she paused. ___41___ She started again, and the bird sang with her. The sound was beautiful, and she knew that it could only be a nightingale.
The next night, and nearly every night after that, the nightingale was there again. Beatrice Harrison could hardly believe what was happening. ___42___ It was a very surprising experience. She wished she could share her pleasure with other people.
At that time, broadcasting was just becoming popular. ___43___ Beatrice Harrison decided to try to persuade the BBC to set up their microphones in her garden.
With the technology of the time, this was no easy task. ___44___ Moreover, the distance between Beatrice Harrison’s home and London made things more complicated. But the sound engineers made careful preparations. ___45___
For a long time it seemed as if the nightingale was not going to come. Beatrice Harrison played for nearly two hours with no reaction. But suddenly, everybody relaxed, the wonderful birdsong began to fill the night. ___46___
Several more broadcasts were made. The following year HMV made a record of Beatrice and the nightingale. ___47___
A) Many people in Europe already had radios.
B) The duet of the musician and the nightingale was heard in London, in Paris, even in Italy.
C) She gave her first public performance when she was still a child.
D) To her surprise, she heard a bird echoing her playing.
E) The BBC had never tried an outside broadcast of this kind.
F) It became one of the most successful records sold in the 1930s.
G) The bird lost interest in singing with the musicians.
H) She was playing duets with a wild bird!
I) One night in May 1924 everything was ready.
J) The musician lost interest in playing with the bird.

41) A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J)
42) A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J)
43) A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J)
44) A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J)
45) A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J)
46) A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J)
47) A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J)

Part 2: Bratislava – the Capital City in the Heart of Europe (6 points)

Prečítajte si nasledujúci text. Rozhodnite o každom z tvrdení 48 – 53, či je pravdivé (A) alebo nepravdivé (B). Uveďte vždy aj označenie toho odseku (a) – (e), na základe ktorého ste rozhodli o pravdivosti alebo nepravdivosti daného tvrdenia. Vždy existuje iba jedno správne riešenie.

(a) I’ve been living in Bratislava long enough that some of my favourite things about the city aren’t the kind of things that make their way into a travel guide: like being able to rent an apartment downtown quite easily, going for my morning jog next to one of the world’s most famous rivers, using church bells as an alarm clock, and meeting some wonderful people.
(b) But for me, the best parts about Bratislava are things anybody can appreciate, no matter how much time you spend here. Like having a leisurely coffee on the pavement of a traditional street, or walking up to the castle hill to stare at the green hills and red roofs. Or the fact that the city is small enough that you can really feel like you know it, but big enough that you can always find something to do.
(c) Bratislava is unusual for a capital city because it’s located in the south-western corner of the country, instead of a more central location. It also has the distinction of having borders with two countries, Austria and Hungary.
(d) With its strategic location in the centre of so many historic powers and being on both sides of the Danube, it’s no wonder the city has such a multicultural and turbulent history, controlled by one invading nation after the next. It also served as the capital of Austrian-Hungarian Empire when the country was invaded by Turks.
(e) In recent years, Bratislava’s old town has been renovated and the city is slowly gaining a well-deserved reputation as a charming yet not expensive European capital. While it’s nowhere near as busy as Prague or Budapest, more people are arriving on cheap flights from other parts of Europe, or jumping off one of the ferry boats that cruise the Danube in the summer.

48) Bratislava is one of the relatively cheap capitals in Europe.

A) B)
Which of the paragraphs supports your answer?

49) The writer learned a lot of things about Bratislava from a guidebook.

A) B)
Which of the paragraphs supports your answer?

50) A number of attacks from other countries contributed to the exciting history of Bratislava.

A) B)
Which of the paragraphs supports your answer?

51) Very few tourists come to Bratislava by water.

A) B)
Which of the paragraphs supports your answer?

52) The small size of the city does not limit people’s activities.

A) B)
Which of the paragraphs supports your answer?

53) Bratislava does not have the typical location of a capital city.

A) B)
Which of the paragraphs supports your answer?

Part 3: Nota Bene(7 points)

Prečítajte si nasledujúci text. Za textom nasledujú vety, v ktorých chýbajú slová 54 – 60. Doplňte ich. Doplňte jedno alebo dve slová.

The all-seeing TV camera is going to turn its attention to the homeless community. A candidate will get the opportunity to spend 72 hours on the street as a ‘real’ homeless person.
“We want to show that people from a ‘normal’ environment would behave similarly in situations that homeless people face,” said Jana Čavojská, editor-in-chief of Nota Bene street magazine.
The publication helps people without a roof, or those in difficulty, to survive and find a place in society. The civic organization Proti prúdu (Against the Stream), which publishes the magazine, is behind this first homeless reality show.
As a start, the participant will be given three copies of Nota Bene magazine and told a spot where they can go to sell them. This is the standard procedure for first-time sellers of the magazine.
The aim is to survive three days on the street with no means other than the money from the issues sold.
Regular Nota Bene salespeople will help to orientate the newcomer. They may invite the candidate to stay overnight with them, maybe in their caravan.

54) Nota Bene is a ________ publication which is sold by homeless people. (1 word)

55) First-time sellers are given ________ ________ of the publication. (2 words)

56) The first homeless reality show is the idea of a ________ institution. (1 word)

57) It is the normal ________ for first-time sellers to be told where to sell. (1 word)

58) These people have to ________ on the streets only with the money they earn from the magazine. (1 word)

59) The magazine ________ will give a hand to the candidate of this reality show. (1 word)

60) It is possible for the candidate to sleep in a ________ . (1 word)