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2009 - úroveň B1

Section I - LISTENING (20 points)

Táto časť testu sa skladá z troch nahrávok. Každú z nich budete počuť dvakrát. Počas počúvania odpovedajte na otázky prislúchajúce k jednotlivým nahrávkam.

Part 1: The Story of Our Family (7 points)

Vypočujte si príbeh rodiny Williamsovcov. Na základe vypočutého vyberte správnu odpoveď. Vždy je správna iba jedna z ponúkaných možností.
Teraz máte dve minúty na prečítanie úloh 01 – 07.

1) The reason why Serena did not participate in the Tour this year was ________.


2) Venus meets other members of her family ________ .


3) As a child, Venus ________ .


4) As a child, Serena ________ .


5) Her sister Yetunde died as a victim of a ________ .


6) To forget pain and sadness, the sisters used to ________ .


7) Venus ________ .


Part 2: A Deaf Actress (6 points)

VVypočujte si príbeh herečky. Na základe vypočutého rozhodnite o každom z tvrdení 08 - 13, či je pravdivé (A), nepravdivé (B) alebo z nahrávky nevyplýva (C).
Teraz máte dve minúty na prečítanie úloh 08 – 13.

8) Marlee Matlin has just started performing in the show Dancing with the Stars.


9) She has been deaf from birth.


10) Her film Sweet Nothing in My Ear reflects her experience from the dancing show.


11) Her husband’s job is connected with legislation.


12) Matlin’s parents-in-law have stayed in her house for more than a year.


13) Matlin’s daughter Sarah would like to follow her mother’s occupation.


Part 3: How To Get More Energy (7 points)

Vypočujte si rozhlasovú reláciu o zdravom životnom štýle. Dozviete sa 6 praktických rád. Tieto sú zhrnuté vo vetách označených 14-20, avšak nie v poradí, v akom ste ich počuli v nahrávke. Na základe vypočutého zoraďte vety do správneho poradia tak, že zapíšete do odpoveďového hárka ku každej z nich príslušné poradové číslo od 1 do 6. Pozor, jedna veta je navyše a obsahuje informáciu, ktorú ste v nahrávke nepočuli. K tejto vete napíšte do odpoveďového hárka označenie X.
Teraz máte dve minúty na prečítanie úloh.

14) Plan enjoyable activities.

15) Redesign your working area.

16) Have quality sleep.

17) Send e-mails to your friends.

18) Smile against tiredness.

19) Change your diet.

20) Stop worrying.

Koniec prvej časti testu

Section II – LANGUAGE IN USE (20 points)

Táto časť testu sa skladá z dvoch textov. Jej vypracovaniu byste mali venovať približne 25 minút.

Part 1: Environmental Issues (10 points)

V nasledujúcom texte sú na miestach 21 – 30 vynechané slová. Za textom nájdete pre každé vynechané miesto štyri možnosti doplnenia. Rozhodnite, ktorá z ponúkaných možností (A) – (D) je správna. Vždy je správna iba jedna možnosť. Príklad: ___00___ - (C)

In 1970, a twenty-five-year-old college student named Denis Hyes did ___00___ that almost made him the most important environmentalist of the century. He organized lectures, workshops, and teach-ins, which ___21___ held on April 22, 1970. He called it Earth Day. Approximately 20 million people participated in the event ___22___ the United States, and it ___23___ by over 100 million people in over 100 countries with tree plantings, concerts, TV documentaries, books, festivals, and even an expedition to climb Mount Everest in order ___24___ garbage left by past expeditions.
The degradation of the environment was not new when the first Earth Day ___25___ place. Writers and environmentalists had already brought it to the public’s ___26___ . But the first Earth Days were effective in raising a ___27___ wider public understanding than ever before.
Environmental issues are now on a global scale and all the problems could result in the extinction of the human race. By the fortieth Earth Day, in 2010, we may know the ___28___ of all these problems. Will changing people’s habits be harder than pulling teeth? We all had better become environmentalists and use our votes and buying power to ___29___ changes. We must change our lifestyles. So far, people ___30___ enough respect to their surroundings.


A) B) C) D)


A) B) C) D)


A) B) C) D)


A) B) C) D)


A) B) C) D)


A) B) C) D)


A) B) C) D)


A) B) C) D)


A) B) C) D)


A) B) C) D)


A) B) C) D)

Part 2: Written Language (10 points)

V nasledujúcom texte sú na miestach 31 – 40 vynechané slová. Doplňte vždy iba jedno slovo.
Príklad: ___00___ frequently

Although we use spoken language more , we keep the      | FREQUENT
rules of written language better. In fact, most efforts to | IMPROVEMENT
our language use and are through written materials. | KNOW
In some ways, the written word can be more than the | POWER
spoken message.
The of days long ago still influence our thinking | PHILOSOPHY
through the written word. Written language allows more
complete and organized than spoken language | THINK
because the ideas have been thought out, reworked, and
polished before they are written on paper. The written word
also allows more ideas. | COMPLEXITY
These ideas, if communicated , could cause | ORAL
or be difficult to follow. The written word allows | CONFUSE
the language to go back a second or third time | USE
to understand an idea . | COMPLETE

Koniec druhej časti testu

Section III – Reading (20 points)

Táto časť testu sa skladá z troch ukážok. Jej vypracovaniu by ste mali venovať približne 45 minút.

Part 1: Reality Shows (7 points)

Prečítajte si nasledujúci text. K úlohám 41 – 47 priraďte vhodnú vetu spomedzi možností (A) – (J). Tri vety sa nedajú priradiť k žiadnej z úloh. Vždy existuje iba jedno správne riešenie.

‘Big Brother’ was probably the first of the new reality shows but the genre has developed. Many are popular because they have a theme to them, but most are based on the idea of the ‘survival of the fittest’ by eliminating participants as the series progresses.
So we have the dating shows where winners either make a couple or stay true to their partners outside the TV studio. ___41___ There are lots of sports-based shows which have led to contestants getting contracts to become professionals in the real world. There are also similar shows based on music, in which the winners get to make a recording. ___42___ On a more personal level, we have programmes designed to show more extreme physical and emotional reactions. In one series, participants have to face the thing that they are most afraid of – being covered with scorpions for example, or climbing out of a window twenty floors up in the air.
Critics say these programmes make people look silly and take advantage of people’s weaknesses. ___43___ There are many reasons why. For the viewer it’s an opportunity to ‘people watch’. It’s natural to like watching other people. They’re interesting. ___44___ We get to know the characters and see them grow and develop week after week, and, of course, television is the perfect place to watch people. Like at the theatre or cinema, we can look at other people and they can’t look back, but with television, we can watch in the privacy of our own homes. ___45___
The TV companies like reality shows because they are cheap to produce and they attract younger viewers. ___46___ The last ‘Big Brother’ in Britain attracted an enormous amount of money from advertising. The shows don’t depend on ‘star’ actors with enormous salaries, and the ‘actors’ won’t go on strike.
And why do people take part in them? Well, for fame and money of course. In the past, appearing on television was not something ordinary people did. You had to be good at something, like sport, or reading the news, or acting. Not any more. ___47___ We film births, weddings, our child’s first steps. Nowadays it isn’t history if it isn’t filmed… and then put on the internet.
A) However, people watch them.
B) There may be limits to what the public will watch.
C) Then there are those which test how good people are at specific jobs.
D) The video camera is an important part of many people’s lives.
E) We watch, but we don’t have to tell anyone about it.
F) This may lead to real success in the world of show business.
G) They are filmed while they are trying to find food and shelter.
H) Advertisers definitely like this.
I) We can imagine what we would do in their situation.
J) Now there are so many other shows around.

41) A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J)
42) A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J)
43) A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J)
44) A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J)
45) A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J)
46) A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J)
47) A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J)

Part 2: Young Britons Are Not Good at Learning Languages (6 points)

Prečítajte si nasledujúci text. Rozhodnite o každom z tvrdení 48 – 53, či je pravdivé (A) alebo nepravdivé (B). Uveďte vždy aj označenie toho odseku (a) – (e), na základe ktorého ste rozhodli o pravdivosti alebo nepravdivosti daného tvrdenia. Vždy existuje iba jedno správne riešenie.

(a) The majority of teenagers in Britain are keen to work abroad but most of them don‘t speak foreign languages. Government research figures show that 58 % of 11 – 18 year olds in the UK have no foreign language skills, and therefore it is difficult for them to enter the international labour market.
(b) Most British people are lazy when it comes to learning a foreign language. The main argument they use is that foreigners make it too easy for British people because when the British are abroad, everyone around speaks English to them. That’s definitely true.
(c) This fact is supported by figures out this week. The British Government found that 58 % of 11 – 18 year olds in the UK do not speak a second language. However, two thirds of teenagers in Britain want to work abroad when they’re older – the countries of their choice are Italy, Spain, France or China. The British Government admits there is a problem. Not enough young people continue learning a second language when they leave school.
(d) Teresa Tinley from the country’s national centre of languages says this problem does not have positive effects on the economy: “We are in a competitive global market and we need to be able to speak to our customers and our potential customers. Our trade is very much directed towards English-speaking countries. Our research shows that our exports are suffering.”
(e) The research is seen as further evidence that most young people believe they can survive in a foreign country by speaking English – something the government in London wants to change by introducing new measures to improve their foreign language skills.

48) British politicians want young people to learn foreign languages better.

Which of the paragraphs supports your answer?

49) Good knowledge of a foreign language is not important for British business.

Which of the paragraphs supports your answer?

50) It is difficult for British teenagers to find work in a foreign country.

Which of the paragraphs supports your answer?

51) British people think that foreigners should speak English better.

Which of the paragraphs supports your answer?

52) A lot of young British people keep studying a second language when they start work.

Which of the paragraphs supports your answer?

53) Many British people are keen to learn a foreign language.

Which of the paragraphs supports your answer?

Part 3: Disposable Products(7 points)

Prečítajte si nasledujúci text. Za textom nasledujú vety, v ktorých chýbajú slová 54 – 60. Doplňte ich. Doplňte jedno alebo dve slová.

Those in the ‘green’ movement think it is very important that the choices of individual consumers should change our society and make it more environmentally friendly. At the moment in the world we throw away 15 billion ordinary batteries a year. Some of the new types of rechargeable battery can be re-charged 1,000 times which should mean 1,000 times less rubbish going into the ground.
Disposable products, or ones which need replacing after a short period of use, have become a feature of modern industry. In this way, the industries ensure that people continue to buy their products. The life of a personal computer may be about 3 years on average. People apparently change their mobile phones about twice as fast… every 16 months! You might think that this explains why a lot of shops are still displaying shelves full of single-use batteries, but rechargeable ones are harder to find. Certainly, statistics show that if we spent less money on batteries and kept using other things a bit longer – our economies would be smaller. Theoretically, you would expect unemployment to increase or wages to go down. In reality though, if we improve the environment we should feel richer.
There comes a moment when even a rechargeable battery has to be thrown away. My batteries were made of nickel-cadmium and there was a symbol on them clearly saying you have to recycle them. You cannot just throw them in the rubbish bin. Cadmium is a poisonous metal which accumulates in living things. Cadmium is also one of the many dangerous things you take in with smoke if you smoke cigarettes.
If the batteries are recycled, then all of the cadmium can be recovered and used again for making more batteries.

54) ________ batteries are those we regularly throw away. (1 word)

55) People change their ________ ________ more often than their computers. (2 words)

56) In shops it is not always difficult to buy ________ batteries. (1 word)

57) ________ is found in some batteries and in cigarettes. (1 word)

58) In general, people use their computers for about ________ ________ . (2 words)

59) The metal in some batteries is a ________ chemical and is a danger. (1 word)

60) Using things for longer could reduce countries’ ________ growth. (1 word)